Oxford University Press-UAS Partnership

Arab University of Sciences-Oxford University Press Partnership

Signing of a partnership agreement The Arab University of Sciences (UAS) has signed a memorandum of understanding with the prestigious Oxford University Press (OUP). The aim is to promote the English language skills of university students and teachers. Cooperation with OUP also offers them opportunities to open up internationally. In this context, the UAS will set up a test center read more

Conference on graphology

لقاء تفاعلي ثري جمع طلبة علم الادارة مع الخبير الاستاذ حمزه الشابي The date of delivery is 13/2023/XNUMX or XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. ف بعلم الغرافولوجيا اي علم تحليل الخط وتوصل الطلبة المشاركون في الور شة الى تحديد ملامح شخصيتهم من خلال خطهم مما يساهم في تنمية مهاراتهم ا لادارية والقيادية. فشكرا للخبير الضيف على مقاربته البيداغوجية الجيدة للموضوع وشكرا لل طلبة على read more

Business and new careers day

The Arab University of Sciences organizes the company day As part of the opening to the economic and social environments and to facilitate contact between students and businesses, the Arab University of Sciences welcomed to its premises the representatives of several companies. On this occasion, presentation sessions of the activities of these companies were organized. read more

Engineering days at – ESIET-UAS

At the rendezvous of this week's engineering days, four conferences around the themes: Theme 1: Industry 4.0 Theme 2: Green energy and drinking water Theme 3: Industrial robots Theme 4: Eco-construction

Day: Digital pedagogy and artificial intelligence

As part of its interest in improving its teaching methods, the UAS organizes the Digital Pedagogy and Artificial Intelligence Days in order to explore current trends in pedagogy in relation to the opportunities and challenges brought by the dazzling development of artificial intelligence tools. Program for Wednesday May 10 read more

Libyan Cultural Day at UAS

اليوم الثقافي الليبي … حرصوا على مواصلة تنظيم اليوم الثقافي الليبي الذي اصبح من ا لتقاليد الراسخة بجامعتنا. بتنظيم هذا اليوم الثقافي بامكانياتهم الخاصة وبكل حماس وبرع اية رسمية من ءفرتهم وتجندت بناتنا الليبيات لاعداد الذ الاكلات التق ابناؤنا الازياء التقليدية وتم تأثيث الحفل بمقاطع غنائية ليبيبة ممتعة. فشكرا لهم جميعا على read more