Presentation of the university Arab University of Sciences
The Arab University of Sciences (UAS) is a major player in private higher education in Tunisia. It is made up of two university establishments: the Private Higher School of Engineering and Technological Studies of Tunis (ESIET) and the Faculty of Legal, Social, Economic and Management Sciences of Tunis (FSEG). The vision of UAS is to provide its students with the highest quality level of education. To achieve this vision, UAS adopts a policy of continuous self-improvement, aims to satisfy all its partners and makes efficient use of available resources. ISO 9001 certification was integrated in 2018.
Our mission :
Actively contribute to the construction of a knowledge society that values initiative and innovation, quality and skills.
Our values :
- Compliance with laws and regulations
- Fairness, transparency and promotion of diversity
- Esteem and respect for our students
- Productive collaboration with all our internal and external partners
- Social responsibility and commitment to sustainable development
At the Arab University of Sciences, we adopt a Quality approach which aims to implement our vision while taking into account our values. This approach reflects our ongoing commitment to comply with applicable requirements and to continuously improve our quality management system.
The quality policy of the UAS consists of the following main strategic axes:
- Work to increase the satisfaction of our students
- Improve the performance of our processes and the control of our operations
- Consolidate our competitive positioning
- Improve our compliance with higher education regulations and legal requirements.
The founding president
We undertake to apply the measures put in place, to regularly review the relevance and effectiveness of our quality management system, and to give ourselves the means necessary to achieve the expected objectives.
Professor Mourad Ben TURKIA